Monday, May 18, 2009

You don't scare me, Route 28

I know this blog is supposed to be a showcase for potential employers/business partners -- but I'd like to take a moment to recognize Pennsylvania drivers as some of the most capable people on America's roads.

Sure, there's the occasional guy who wanders across three lanes at 75 mph or stops dead right before an acceleration ramp. But, having worked dozens of traffic accidents in a state with totally flat, straight roads and beautiful weather year-round, I can safely say that driver competence is the single biggest thing I've noticed since returning to the 'Burgh.

For some reason I can't explain, your typical South Carolina driver believes his rusty El Camino is a 24-foot package truck. Turns are long and leisurely, requiring a complete stop. Lane changes are more of a strategic maneuver than a simple glance-and-go. And yet, South Carolina hosts some of the most gruesome car wrecks imaginable. At this moment, 1 out of every 10 vehicles registered in South Carolina is flipped over in a muddy ditch. See here for the full set of statistics.

Pennsylvania drivers, on the other hand, have to deal with paved horse paths through the Allegheny foothills; a ludicrous collection of bridges and tunnels; PennDOT; and weather perfectly aligned to create crater-size pot holes. Throw in the random horror of mine subsidence and sink holes, and you've got a survival-of-the-fittest situation on Pennsylvania's highways. Yet - I've been back home nearly a week, and I've seen one minor fender bender. After a week in South Carolina, I didn't feel very confident in my neighbors' walking, let alone their driving.

So, congrats, yinz guys. I'm impressed. Now back to the job search...still trying to find the job I will be happy to drive to every morning.


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